Migrating to ETH-MEN 2.0

4 min readJan 5, 2021


It has been an amazing ride since we launched in mid November 2020! We are thrilled to see how much people love our ETH-MEN figures and what a great community is forming around them!

We initially created these figures with a standard ERC-1155 Rarible contract. Unfortunately we did not realize at the time how this contract would limit our development objectives going forward.

The ETH-MEN contract needs a little more functionality. Our figures depend on their token ID so they can be easily batched together for showcasing on our website as well as for the burning contract. Unfortunately a contract can only identify ID’s not metadata. Minting with the Rarible-contract often skipped ID’s which makes it very hard to match a front card and a back card. This can be solved with a new contract.

Future ETH-MEN Figures will combine front + backcard into 1 nft

However, rethinking the concept; one of the primary reasons for an ETH-MEN contract migration is to address how separate NFTs are currently being used for figure fronts and cardbacks. Our new contract will be combining both front and back into 1 NFT just like our ETH-MEN Comics. Users will see the figure frontcard on opensea and Rarible. On our website however, these NFTs can still be unpacked as well as flipped to reveal their cardbacks. With the new contract we can structure the metadata, and add both front and back to the metadata as seperate IPFS-hashes.

Working this way will make it easier for both collectors and creators!

The consequences

Basically there aren’t really consequences for current ETH-MEN holders, you only have an extra choice now. ETH-MEN Figures can only exist on the old or on the new contract, but there can only be 100 like before. So if you have a Lord Zieg Front and Backcard, you can migrate to the new contract, Burning the old cards, and giving you 1 NFT: Zieg front and back combined. But it’s your choice. All new figures will be part of the new contract. Can can still both unpack the old figures or the new figures. Which will give you the same 3D figure.

ETH-MEN Legacy figures

Some people may allready seen the extra functions on the website. The migrate button is allready here, and you can soon choose to do so. We will rename the old collection to “ETH-MEN Legacy”. The “L” marking on the cards will make clear that this card is a card from the Legacy contract. A new figure will also have no “migrate” function. This is however not the only thing we changed.

The new 3D-figure contract

Godrick 3D

This brings us to the last part, 3D figures! The current contract of our 3D figures was linked to the old rarible contract, so we had to do it again anyway.
The (very few) people that unpacked their figure will get the figure on the new contract. If you unpack both legacy or a figure from the new contract, they will both unpack the new 3D figures.

So what changed?

Basically the only thing we changed is that the cut-card will also be implemented into 1 nft, making it combined again. You can then see your cut-cards on our website, and the GLB file will appear on opensea.

We think by doing these changes we keep it fun to and transparent to everybody!


ETH-MEN are digital action figures, collectibles, comics, pieces of unique comic art. The different contracts are ERC-721 Non-Fungible Tokens, for the avatars and subscriptions, and ERC-1155 for the ETH-MEN and Comics.

The collection is available on Rarible, and also available on Opensea.

You can join us in our Discord server or follow us at twitter!




Digital action figures and comics on the #eth blockchain, exploring the ETH-MEN universe.